A special report on Kenvention by Laura Maar
The first KenŽvention promised everything, and delivered more.

Those fabulous Kenvention table gifts
A look at some truly creative and fun gifts given to lucky table-mates.

Can you enjoy Kenvention too much?
Our little party guest was having just a little too much fun...
Member Spotlight

Lisa Koppelman-Elliott is a BarbieŽ Girl with her own BarbieŽ World.

What is his Secret? by Omar Syed
Omar tells us why Jewel Secrets KenŽ is one of his favorites.

Fashion Police Report by Jon Hill
Jewel Secrets KenŽ's very own over-the-top fashion.

License to Thrill by Jim Taylor
Jim introduces us to the world of KenŽ licensed products.

Ken Basics by Jenny Jenkins
Everything you need to know about the #1 KenŽ.
Trending Designer
Vickie Rubie is a talented seamstress with a true love for BarbieŽ and KenŽ.

Making KenŽ a Chef by Linda Leake-Beard
Linda shows us how to make fun aprons for KenŽ.

Golden Age Television by Ann Grahek
Ann shows us step-by-step how to craft a vintage KenŽ sized TV.

A Special Report by Susannah Williams
An International correspondent visits an entire town created by a member.

Diorama sized items to print and assemble.
Ken's Little Theater by Ian Whiteside

KenŽ and Ryan have a Halloween fright!

Puzzle Page
Can you collect KenŽ fashions? Also, how much do you know about KenŽ?

Paper Doll
This issue's star is Jewel Secrets KenŽ.

Cooking With Ken
KenŽ's Favorite Fudge, a special vintage recipe.

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All Rights Reserved. This convention is not sponsored by, or affiliated with Mattel, Inc.