See if you can find all of KenŽ’s original nine fashions from 1961. The names of the fashions shown below are hidden up, down, diagonal and backwards. Good Luck!



KenŽ Carson is an All-American guy that grew up in __________, Wisconsin.

A. Green Bay

B. Willows

C. Smallville

D. Pocatello

E. Lincoln


After graduating at Willows High, KenŽ went to __________ College.

A. DeVry

B. State

C. Medfield

D. Clown

E. Central City


In high school and college, KenŽ's best buddy was __________.

A. Alan Happy

B. Allan Sherwood

C. Al Bundy

D. Alfred Pennyworth

E. Ron Weasley


Allan eventually married Midge Hadley and fathered three Children. Their names are __________.

A. BarbieŽ, KenŽ and Christy.

B. Ryan, Nikki and Cassandra.

C. Scott, Scooter and Ricky

D. Big Jim, Big Josh and Big Jack

E. Kal, Kara and Conner


KenŽ's first love was Barbie. She broke his heart for a guy named __________.

A. Ryan

B. Todd

C. Barbie would never do that

D. Blaine

E. GI Joe


KenŽ drives a sweet __________.

A. Mini Cooper

B. Motorcycle

C. Blue Corvette

D. Hot Rod

E. All of the above


KenŽ won BarbieŽ back but she is still friends with Blaine's sister. Her name is __________.

A. Christy

B. Theresa

C. Summer

D. Raquelle

E. Shani


KenŽ has a younger brother named __________.

A. Ricky

B. Scott

C. Kevin

D. Tommy

E. Ryan


KenŽ now lives in __________.

A. Metropolis

B. Middleton

C. Malibu

D. Michigan

E. Monster High


KenŽ's favorite color is __________.

A. Cyan

B. Cyan

C. Cyan

D. Cyan

E. Blonde


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