History In a New York Minute!
Being as this is the very first "He's A Doll" Newsletter, I
felt we needed to start from the beginning for our history lessons on Ken®.
The Barbie® Doll was such a huge success for Mattel that they decided to expand
the line and give her a boyfriend. And are we not extremely happy about
that here at "He's a Doll" Club? So on March 11, 1961, Ken® Carson was
introduced at the New York Toy Fair. He was originally 12 inches tall, had
a six piece body, flocked hair in either blond or brunette and was wearing red
swimming trunks, cork sandals and carrying a yellow terry cloth towel. It
was soon discovered that the flocked hair didn't hold up well so the second Ken®
doll produced in 1962 had molded hair in either blonde or brunette and had a
white and red stripped beach coat added. (Which was my first Ken® and my
favorite Ken®. Though I did break his head off by holding him upside down
between my legs to put his clothes on.............. Oh come on! I was only
6 years old!) Did you figure out his birthday and his last name (you may
be quizzed later). Sadly, Ken® was never given a middle name. Next
lesson, we will talk about his fashions and extensive wardrobe.
And that's your history lesson for today....in a New York
KEN® and associated trademarks and trade dress are owned by and used under
license from Mattel, Inc. ® and ™ designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc.
©2012 Mattel, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. This convention is not sponsored by, or affiliated with Mattel, Inc.