He's A Doll! Newsletter
August 2010
2010 Club Exclusive Items Announced
He's a Doll! will offer
3 club
exclusive items for 2010 membership. Our second item is a
t-shirt designed by member Andrea Rossi and will be available to
order in OCTOBER. You can order right now until November
13, 2010 on the Yahoo member board. Due to popular
demand, we are offering two Women's cut shirt sizes
along with regular Men's/Unisex size shirts. This
wonderful colorful graphic designed by Andrea is sure to
turn some heads! Don't delay and get your orders in
before the deadline! The yearly club t-shirt is a very
popular item with members!
Later this year we will have a Ken
doll exclusive fashion. More information on the fashion
when it becomes available. |
Member Contest In September
forward to a club member month-long contest to begin in
September. Details will be posted soon on the Yahoo member
board! |
FIRST Club 2010 Exclusive Item Now on SALE!
The first of three He's A Doll! 2010 Club
Exclusive Items...A Ken Stik-Withit Note Cube (pictured right)
is now on sale!
This 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5 Stik-Withit Note Cube is fully
branded in the official "Ken" cyan blue color and features
the new Ken doll silhouette! Limited to 1 per one-time ordering.
Orders will be accepted from 2010 He's A Doll! club members
only! HURRY, quantities are EXTREMELY limited! Act, fast! We
will update you when they are sold out!
Simply fill out the ORDER FORM located in the "files" section
of the YAHOO member site!

Letter FROM the Editor:
by Micheal Rose-Newsletter
 Pictured Above: Barbie
Fashionistas Ken "Hottie".
The Ken®
trademark name is not used on the doll box but he is referenced
as Ken in Mattel listings. |
Hey Club Friends…This is a new feature I’ve
been thinking about adding to the newsletter.
There are many discussions out there in the world of Ken,
and I am always eager to hear everyone’s opinions.
So what I’m going to do each newsletter is to write about
a subject I’ve heard discussed about Ken and give “MY” opinion.
I will then open it up to you all…the REAL experts…to
either agree or refute.
Then I will take all the feedback and let you know how
everyone weighed in in the following newsletter.
month’s topic is “What Makes
When you go to the store and
see a new Mattel doll on the shelf…and his name on the package
is Kurt, or Ryan, or Darren, or anything other than Ken….but he
is made by Mattel and for all intents and purposes has the same
components as previous dolls who were called “Ken” do you still
call him a Ken Doll??!?!
Me, I say Heck yeah!
As far as I am concerned there are three types of dolls
out there. Ken’s,
Fashions, and Action Figures (A.K.A. Joe’s)…If it’s made by
Mattel I call it a Ken…even the named dolls like Mattel’s James
Dean, or Darren, or James Bond, or even the Star Trek Ken…to ME,
these are all Kens!
I don’t think it’s laziness…it’s just the way I organize the
dolls in my mind.
The Fashion Royalty dolls would be the most popular of the
Fashion Doll, and the Action Figures include Blue Box, Dragon,
Hot Toys, etc.
Pictured Above: (left) S.I.S. Darren
doll and (right) Fashion Fever Kurt doll.
What do YOU think?
Is Darren a Ken doll?
If not…what is he?!?!?
I’m looking forward to everyone’s responses.
Please send them to me, Micheal Rose at
GessHu100@aol.com and I
will crunch the numbers for the next newsletter!
Thanks for reading!!!
Toy Story Ken
by Omar
Syed-Newsletter Committee
“I’m not a girl’s toy! I’m not! Why does everybody
keep saying that?”
When news of Toy Story 3 released in December 2009
and January 2010, most fans were thrilled because it meant another
dose of Woody, Buzz and the rest of the toys we’ve known since 1995.
Ken collectors were more than pleasantly surprised to note that
joining the computer generated cast was Ken- that’s right, our own
blue eyed boy Ken Carson! Fans speculated on what would he look
like, how would he behave, and most importantly, would Pixar do
justice to our “manly role model”
Thankfully, there’s little for Ken collectors to
worry about since Ken guru Jef Beck spearheaded Ken’s appearance for
the film. Ken’s look, modeled on 1988’s
Lovin' Ken, though picked out by Lee Unkrich, was taken directly
from Jef’s site, along with Ken’s 27 outfits which span the decades
from Ken’s initial conception (Ken
in Switzerland #0776) to more modern times (Cool
Times Ken) and everything in between and beyond, including the
very hard to find 1991
Cool Career
Fashion #2952 Rock Star carded outfit. Though a few articles of
clothing were modified (Ken’s 1961 In Training shorts were color
swapped to be white with red hearts instead of red with white
hearts), all were taken from Jef’s site with his own first hand
input. In fact, Jef’s name comes under the Special Thanks section at
the end of the film.
A perhaps inside joke in the film is that this
particular Ken has never met a Barbie before. In fact, he calls
himself a Guy’s Toy, and a role model- a manly, role model. If this
Ken was owned by a little boy, rather than a little girl, I surmise
that the inside joke is that this Ken belonged to Jef (or an unseen
character inspired by Jef). Lee talks more about it in an interview-
Look on the Sunnyside (insight into Ken with Lee Unkrich)-
As for Ken’s being a manly role model, he gives a
rousing interview on his own terms- Groovin with Ken-
What would a movie be without toy tie-ins?
Mattel’s initial attempts at a movie tie-in were dismal, with Ken
looking nothing like his onscreen counterpart, and nothing like the
original Animal Lovin’ Ken. Die hard fans of both Toy Story and Ken
were urged by Unkrich to find the original Animal Lovin’ Ken doll
MIB (which resulted in skyrocketing Ebay prices) but a simpler (and
probably much cheaper) solution was to find any blue eyed, brown
haired Ken with the 1983 headmold and the 1968 bent arm body and
simply redress him in one of the many, many outfits showcased in Toy
Story 3.
Example 1 and
Example 2.
Thankfully, a newer headmold was created for the
Made For Each Other giftset, seen in the following two links-
Movie accurate Ken with other TS Collection toys-
Mold 1 Movie accurate Ken sculpt-
Mold 2 (Pictures courtesy of Sli|||nky
from Pixar Planet).
However more than Ken’s appearance is his
demeanor, characteristics and personality, well played out by
Michael Keaton (Batman, Mr. Mom, Beetlejuice). Some fans were
worried that like his appearance in as Dogberry in Kenneth Branagh’s
Much Ado About Nothing, would Keaton play Ken as Beetlejuice.
Thankfully, Ken comes off as a strong, regular guy, much like many
of those fans who collect and customize him. Keaton’s voice appears
also in a few stints of dating tips from Ken-
Ken’s Dating Tips #48-Video
Ken’s Dating Tips #31-Video
Ken’s Dating Tips #24-
Of course, where would Ken
be without Barbie. Though some of us might pair him with other
dolls, Mattel has always purported that Ken and Barbie were
Sweethearts, as seen in the following clips-
Buzz Flies-
Meet Ken-
Convention 2010 - The Centerpieces
Dr. Jon Baltrunas, ICRS-Newsletter
Many of those in the club were unable to attend the recent Barbie
convention in Cleveland.
While there were many fun events and meeting, chances to
shop, etc., what they missed most was the opportunity to see the
awesome centerpieces that are created each year by talented members
of the Fan Club! Here
is a description of those works of art: A quick brief
description of the two main centerpieces is that they were mascots
for the convention theme. The dolls were designed by
Edge of 17, repainted by
Melissa Windham, wearing
outfits designed by Steve
Skutka. The third night’s banquet dolls were designed and
donated by various doll artists of varying types of talents.
The first dinner’s centerpiece was a
Rocker Ken. He came with
a metal girded stage with three clip lights. The doll was a Blond
Mohawk "Harley Davidson Ken"
with a repainted face and rooted eyelashes covered by black
sunglasses. He wore a long black "Matrix"
type coat with blue arrows pointing off each shoulder. Under the
coat he had a sleeveless purple leopard shirt, lime green pants,
turquoise belt with diamond shaped rhinestone buckle,
and Harley Davidson
black boots. His other accessories were a Black kepi cap with a blue
arrow pointing forward and a white and black guitar with a black
guitar strap.
Pictured Below: Rocker Ken centerpiece from
the 2010 NBDCC.
The second night’s centerpiece was the black haired "Harley
Davidson Barbie" again designed by
Edge of 17,
repainted by Melissa
Windham, wearing outfits designed by
Steve Skutka. She
comes with a living room of furniture which included: a white
sofa with two matching pillows, a white cabinet with drawer, a
grey and crystal coffee table, a black crystal chandelier with a
wire hanger, and an EXCLUSIVE black "Pop
Life" side chair. She wore a hot pink halter top, a
turquoise scarf, a black mini skirt with a turquoise belt with
diamond shaped rhinestone buckle, hot pink fishnet stockings,
and near thigh high white vinyl high heeled boots. Her
accessories were: pink and white earrings and a set of pink and
white bracelets with turquoise painted fingernails.
Pictured Below: Rocker Barbie centerpiece from the 2010

Now for the fun stuff:
If you attended the first dinner you, as a table guest, received the
two outfits and all accessories that both Ken and Barbie were
wearing in three gift boxes. There was also a raffle for a few extra
centerpieces to a few lucky tables (less than 20). My brother won
that raffle and his doll is not the Blond Ken but is a Brunette Ken
(Derrick?) without the Mohawk hair cut. As soon as he is unpacked he
has promised me pictures of his doll.
If you attended the second night’s dinner you
received a Red Sofa with one pillow and a black and crystal coffee
table, and a clear crystal chandelier. Again a few lucky tables were
given raffle chances for one person to win a Red Chair, a Pink
Crystal Chandelier, or a White Chair. All these prizes were
carefully recorded as they were picked up so that only the winners
could get them. The Rocker
outfits are not marked but the Furniture is marked with a little
white tag underneath that says Rockers Convention 2010 in black
Finding Ken
by Micheal Rose-Newsletter

Pictured Above: Made For Each Other Barbie and Ken Giftset.
Fashionista Sporty Ken (aka Ryan?) - The
second in the series, I’ve seen him this week in Toys R Us AND
in Target…Here he is online:

Shopping!....Oh, and if you find a reasonable Tango Barbie and Ken
set…let me know…I’m going CRAZY looking for it!!! |
There is one thing I like to
do almost as much as I like collecting Ken and his friends…and that’s
to SHOP!!
As a member of several doll collecting
groups I often see posts regarding how difficult it is to find a
particular Ken doll.
Well, I’ve done a bit of research and,
while I can’t guarantee availability by the time you read this, I can
tell you where you can find several of the “HOT” Kens today:
Toy Story 3 Ken
Toy Story 3 Made For Each Other - Let’s face it…we all saw the movie and are kicking ourselves for not
having obtained the original Animal Lovin’ Ken from 1988.
Mattel has decided we can ONLY purchase
the remake of this doll as a set with Barbie from the movie.
They are still available here (Just
follow these handy links):
Animal Lovin' Ken - Ok, you REALLY want a shot at the
original….here are the results from a current Ebay search:
Story 3 Ken -
Toy Story 3 Ken Loves Barbie - Not the doll from
the movie…but, he IS cute and he comes with a tiny Barbie doll!
If you get Barbie loves Ken, you’ll get a
tiny Ken doll!!!:
Amazon and
Toy Story 3 Buddy Packs - These have been VERY
difficult to find, and they come in several variations.
It is interesting to note that this is the first EVER product
where you can more easily find Ken than Barbie!
I have several of each (Get ready friends for Christmastime!
LOL) I find that if you
go back to Toys R Us, Target, and Shop Rite, you’ll find that they
have been replenished several times already…but while Target still
carries them at $6.99, Shop Rite has gone up to $10.99, and Toys R Us
has gone up to $12.99. I’m not
sure about Walmart and Kmart (Two other places where I’ve found them)
but prices and availability varies all over the place.
Kmart - Had to put this one in...never saw I
before…it has Astronaut Barbie!!
Mad Men Kens
- OK, technically they aren’t NAMED Ken…but without heads is there
REALLY a difference?!?!?!?
